
Subsurface Imaging of Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Seams using Magnetotellurics.

Geophysical evaluations for finding your best resource zones.

Drone Surveying

We have recently adapted drone technology with our MT1 device to allow for accurate subsurface data to be captured from the air, this makes virtually any location accessible. The use of drones even allows for data to be legally acquired over unleased properties in most circumstances.

MT-1 Drone Survey


MT Imaging and Geological Services

MT Imaging allows us to obtain 1‐D, 2‐D, or 3‐D relative resistivity data to help define the geology, map formation structure, and the formation’s fluid content.

Our services include:

  • MT‐1 Geophysical Surveys
  • MT‐2D Geophysical Surveys
  • Geological Services (*TBD)
  • Prospects (*TBD)
Example MT-1 log

State Line Field (Morrow SS) on the Colorado/ Kansas border and the Navigator Field (Tannehill SS) in Dickens County, TX.

Determine Geological Conditions Using Non-invasive, Environmentally- Friendly, Advanced Tech Equipment and an Experienced Crew


Over 30 years experience with successful evaluations in 37 states and multiple countries including Canada, Mexico, Australia, and South America Our equipment is applicable in the following exploratory industries: oil and gas, coal, economic minerals, and geotechnical. Able to identify fluid‐type in porous reservoirs, zone thickness, and structural orientation of marker beds Our organization is responsible for the discovery of over 100 million barrels of oil, and new coal reserves.

We use environmentally friendly and portable equipment with a small 2‐man field crew.


MT-2 Resistivity Mapping

Projects seeking to identify oil and gas, formation structure, coal bed methane, seam thickness and structure.

Telluric Technologies is pleased to announce the implementation of the underground resistivity mapping system. Our hybrid‐sourced MT‐2D system is the first portable subsurface resistivity imaging equipment that allows a high two-dimensional resolution view of the subsurface from ground level to approximately 4,500 feet. The data generated is used in a variety of applications where subsurface resistivity measurements are of interest.

Our MT‐2D system operates and images the subsurface by utilizing certain electromagnetic frequency ranges that can penetrate the ground. Many of these frequencies naturally occur in the earth’s electromagnetic envelope. The natural field is primarily sourced by solar activity, thunderstorms, and man made electromagnetic fields from sources such as power lines. We also utilize a transmitter source to provide frequencies needed for depth‐specific shallow investigations.

Utilizing these frequencies allows us to continuously image the resistivity values of the formations below, and correlate the corresponding layers in a computer‐generated 2‐Dimensional format. Our geologists are then able to interpret and identify the geological conditions that underlie a property.

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Equipment in use on a leased property

Professional Geological surveys and mapping for locating subsurface Resources

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